Sweden Sans is now a dance

Added on by Alex Mirutziu.

Romanian choreographer Alex Mirutziu has created an art dance piece called ”but as a document” based on Söderhavet’s work with the typography, that is being performed at Museum of Modern Art in Bucharest in 2015.

Alex: My attention was caught by Sweden Sans type, reason why I started a project with a Swedish dancer Pär Andersen to create a performance piece using the underlying sketches of the making of the font, basically to work with the technical specifications of the font in translation into dance. The main question is: How the body adheres to the typeface of a poem to add meaning, and what it might do to the economy of the poem.

– I don’t think this has ever been done before. When Alex contacted us, we were first baffled by the idea of making a dance out of a typeface. Now we are still baffled, but also impressed and honored that our design could inspire someone to create a dance based on it, says Jesper Robinell, Head of design at Söderhavet.

Preview a trailer of the dance here: https://vimeo.com/alexmirutziu/but-as-a-document-trailer

About Sweden Sans
Sweden Sans was designed as a part of Söderhavets work with a new global brand identity for the country Sweden. We had already decided on incorporating the Swedish flag into the identity, as well as using a local- language textual mark. But we still needed to find a unique identity carrier that could be used in widely diverging contexts. The idea of designing a custom typeface was mooted early on — and Sweden Sans was born.

More about Sweden Sans:
More about Swedens brand identity:

Jesper Robinell, head of design at Söderhavet jesper@soderhavet.com
Mobile: 0704381792

About Alex Mirutziu
Coreographer. Grant holder at IASPIS – (Swedish Visual Arts Fund’s international programme commissioned to support international exchange for practitioners in the areas of visual art). Alex works a lot with typography in different stances be it installations or performances.

More on the subject: article by Andreas Gabrielsson in Dagens Media.

Pär Andersson and Alex Mirutziu, 2015

Pär Andersson and Alex Mirutziu, 2015

Still from 'but as a document'

Still from 'but as a document'

Still from 'but as a document'

Still from 'but as a document'

Still from 'but as a document'

Still from 'but as a document'

Still from 'but as a document'

Still from 'but as a document'